The school is one of the fore runners amongst the elite educational institutions in the locality.
The school is affiliated to C.B.S.E vide: Affiliation No.-2130163.and also ISO 9001-2008 certified which
ensures the processes of the school are matching International Standards. Modern School, Noida, a Co-
educational English Medium School made its humble beginning in 1987 under the aegis of Digamber Jain Society for
the Child Welfare (Regd.). Initially the school was housed in three storeyed building in Sector-12. Very soon, the
school grew by leaps and bounds. Considering the mission of the society, additional land of about 2.5 acres was
allotted for future expansion and was raised to Senior Secondary Level. The Senior Secondary School shifted to its
present location at Sector 11 in a spacious “State of the Art” building with modern amenities like swimming pool,
centrally Air Conditioned Auditorium, 3rd generation Digital Class Rooms. The school is one of the fore runners
amongst the elite educational institutions in the locality. It provides vibrant learning environment and plans to pioneer
in the field of modern education.
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